
Showing posts from July, 2018

Maths Problem Solving

Every Friday we do Maths problem solving in mixed ability groups. The students have different roles each week within the group, with one being the recorder, one being the collector and the other as the captain. Some of the students find it hard not being the recorder but this gives them a chance to communicate their ideas and thinking to the other students within their group. Room 33 love problem solving challenges.

Cross Country Practice

This week we have been training for the school cross country. We have started off with a small route and will build up each week to a longer route to prepare for the cross country on the 13th of August.

Slime Inquiry Group: R33

As part of our Inquiry topic this term (Mad Scientists) the students consulted with each other and came up with four challenges that they would like to be a part of. The students then opted into a challenge class of their choice. In Room 33 we took part in the best slime challenge. We came up with a success criteria of what we thought the best slime meant. The students then worked together to bring the right ingredients and follow the scientific process to conduct their experiment. We have had so much fun with our inquiry this term.

Goal Reflection

This week we having been reflecting on our goals for Term 2. The students self assessed using smiley faces.  The students then discussed with a buddy what they did to achieve that goal and the reasons why they thought they had achieved it. If they thought they hadn't achieved a goal, they talked to their buddy about what they thought they could do to achieve it next term.