
Showing posts from May, 2018

Our Assembly

Today was Room 33’s and Room 31’s turn to present a Junior School assembly. We dressed up as Mad Scientists in white lab coats. Both classes worked really hard on our ‘Monster Mash’ Dance and were amazing. Our presenters did a fantastic job speaking in front of the junior school. Well Done Room 33 and Room 31

Writing: Plays

This week we have been working in groups and changing narratives/fairy tales into plays. Some groups even choose to change the endings of the popular narratives/fairy tales.

Pink Shirt Day

Today was Pink Shirt day at school. Here are some of Room 33 wearing their pink shirts. Speak up Stand together Stop bullying. 

Coke and Mentos Experiment

As part of our Science Inquiry unit this term Room 33 wanted to see what would happen if we put 6 Mentos in a bottle of coke. A lot of the students had seen the experiment on YouTube or had seen it being done with 1 Mentos  put in the coke bottle. We wanted to up the ante to see weather the explosion would be bigger with more Mentos. The answer was yes. Here are some of our pictures:

The Imagination Experience

Today we had Blair from the Imagination Experience come and demonstrate some science experience for us. Room 33 were amazed! We learnt so much and had so much fun! 

Bubble Art

This term our Inquiry topic is Science: Let's Experiment. Last week for Art Room 33 did some Bubble Art. We watched some YouTube videos to have a look at the different techniques we could use.  Room 33 mixed together some dish washing liquid, paint and water and blew it through a straw onto some paper. . We then had a go ourselves and found that it was a lot harder than what we saw in the videos and took a lot of work to get the right technique. We had lots of fun experimenting and the students are keen to give it another go later on in the term. Feel free to pop in to Room 33 to have a look at all the amazing work