This term for Maths, we have been looking at Fractions. Today we made Fraction Flowers. The Room 30 and 33 children had so much fun doing some hands on Maths.
This week we having been reflecting on our goals for Term 2. The students self assessed using smiley faces. The students then discussed with a buddy what they did to achieve that goal and the reasons why they thought they had achieved it. If they thought they hadn't achieved a goal, they talked to their buddy about what they thought they could do to achieve it next term.
Today the Year 3’s had a Teddy Bear’s Picnic and Easter egg hunt. We went down to the bottom courts where the children had to search for one big Easter egg and one small Easter egg. Some were hidden in some hard to find places. The students then enjoyed their morning tea with their teddies and friends. We had lots o f fun and we are looking forward to recounting our experience in our Writing on Monday. Feel free to come in at the end of next week to read about it.
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